Norton Engineering Inc.
We love sewers
(See LinkedIn for the latest sewer research)
Norton's corporate goal is to make sewers better for the residents of Canada.

New sewers in Ontario are leaking unacceptably (Norton, 2015)

In 2015, Norton initiated a project to address the issue of I/I in new subdivisions. We started by collecting flow monitoring data from new subdivisions across Ontario, Results were alarming. As shown on the slide, 34 of 35 subdivisions reporting from across Ontario are leaking "unacceptably". See Norton Publication, "Project to Address I/I in New Subdivisions", Norton, 2017.
"Reducing the Risk of Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) in New Sewer Construction"
Robinson, Sandink and Lapp for Standards Council of Canada, 2019
Norton, ICLR, and Engineers Canada worked with an expert stakeholder committee from across Canada to develop a National Standard of Canada. This document is largely based on Norton's self-published manuals of best practice (see "Publications").
This document was developed into a National Standard of Canada by BNQ, "CAN/BNQ 3682-320 Mitigation of the Risks of Inflow and Infiltration in New Sanitary Sewer Systems", 2023.

Norton's Recommendations are being
widely adopted.
As of 2024, many municipalities have adopted Norton's primary recommendation: install a flow monitor at the downstream end of all subdivisions, and do not accept the sewers until they are leak-acceptable per existing specifications.