Norton Engineering Inc.
We love sewers
(See LinkedIn for the latest sewer research)
Norton's corporate goal is to make sewers better for the residents of Canada.

Norton Does Workshops. Lots of Them.
"Technical content that is clear. Concise. Cutting Edge."

Norton I/I Workshop for your Municipality, Government or Agency
Norton has been delivering bespoke workshops for municipalities for the past four years. Each workshop is custom-designed for your staff, and will focus on the specific issues you face with sewers and I/I in your community.
Norton can comfortably speak to audiences ranging from the general public/media, to the best technical experts in the business.
Contact me for pricing.
A Norton Workshop is a great way to launch a new Efficient and Cost-Effective I/I Program.

Feedback on Norton Workshops
Feedback on Norton Workshops
"It was a great pleasure to host Barbara Robinson who delivered a technical presentation for our civil engineering students (February 25, 2020) as part of the civil seminar series. Barbara’s presentation was quite fascinating, full of energy and engaging. I received several positive feedbacks from students (in one case a student told me that this was the best civil seminar presentation she has ever participated). I think Barbara’s ability to effectively communicate technical topics to a broad audience makes a huge impact on the public (including scholars from different disciplines). Thank you so much, Barbara and I look forward to your future talks."
Dr. Mohammad Reza Najafi, Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Western University
I would like to send a big Thank You to Barbara Robinson for delivering a technical presentation to our engineers last week (February 27, 2020).
I have since received numerous positive feedback from my colleagues. Barbara’s presentation was very engaging, and the audience were immensely captured by the content and the wonderful delivery.
Our engineers found the technical content to be clear, concise and cutting edge. We look forward to having the opportunity to hear from her again.
Aziz Ahmed, P.Eng, Manager, MECP
Bahar Aminvaziri, P.Eng., Manager, MECP
"The Ontario Municipal Water Association (OMWA) represents more than 180 Municipalities and Public Drinking Water Authorities in Ontario, and brings together a wide cross-section of expertise to provide direction and leadership on policy, legislative and regulatory issues with a focus on public drinking water, wastewater, & stormwater systems.
OMWA conducted regional conferences during 2019 which featured presentations from Barbara Robinson as part of our technical program. Our delegate base typically draws various groups from operators through to engineers and management staff from our member utilities.
Barbara’s technical sessions were very well received by our attendees as Barbara presents as a polished and engaging speaker. She does a great job interacting with the audience, responding to their needs, and fielding questions. The technical content conveyed during her presentations was relevant and important to delegates and their operations.
OMWA would be happy to feature Barbara as part of our future technical sessions."
Nick Benkovich, P.Eng., OMWA
"I met Barbara at an Ontario Building Officials Association plumbing training course.
Right away I was impressed with her knowledge and experience when dealing with sanitary connections to residential uses.
Who knew so many things could go wrong if not installed correctly? Since then I have received updates and reports on her research including obtaining power point presentations.
Barbara has been quick to answer any of my questions about site service connections. I can now discuss, in detail, with the sanitary pipe installers what I am inspecting. I am sure to ask what measures they are utilizing to prevent unacceptable leakage, thanks to Barbara."
Natalie Moroz-Cornell
Senior Building Inspector
Planning and Development Services
City of Quinte West
"Hi Barbara,
You certainly got people excited this morning over your, very informative and engaging talk!
When the meeting ended several people mentioned how much they liked what you had to say. As well, I attended the executive meeting afterwards and they were all buzzing about you.
Thank you so much for giving up your holiday time to speak to Probus. They love you! "
Tricia (2019)
Zonta Club
"Barbara was one of our panelists for the Women in STEM Q&A panel in September of 2018.
Barbara was outstanding! Her contributions were relevant and thought provoking. Her delivery was engaging and her stories compelling. She was exceptionally informative, with great insights on how to persevere and succeed in male dominated environments.
Our attendees gained a lot from Barbara’s participation in our panel. Her humorous delivery and clear communication style helped create an open conversation, even when discussing difficult topics.
We are glad we had her point of view and expertise to enrich the conversation.
Sandra Riano (2018)
President, Young Women in Business, Toronto